RF Design cares about your privacy and as such without prejudice will never share your details with any third party, agents, distributors, advertisers or co-branders for any reason, what so ever.

Therefore, it is the policy of RF Design that all personal information collected by its websites and software shall be subject to the following principles:

  • Electronic information – information collected and held electronically shall be afforded the same protection as non-electronic information.
  • Credit Cards – No details are collected or stored on this website. All payments are done through a third party payment gateway who are authorised by the major credit card companies and our our bank to offer such service.
  • Collection of personal information – the collection of personal information shall be limited to and consistent with the requirements of the software and website to provide ongoig and good customer service.
  • Use of personal information – individuals shall be informed as to why information is being collected and how it will be used.
  • Disclosure of personal information – disclosure of information shall be limited to the purpose for which it was collected unless otherwise authorised by law.
  • Access to personal information – individuals shall be allowed a reasonable opportunity to obtain access to their personal information and to ensure that it is correct.
  • Security precautions – reasonable precautions shall be taken to ensure the security of personal information.
  • Details will never be allowed or afforded to outside parties for any reason.
  • RF Design does not condone spam of any kind nor the use or practices which result in spam and will always endeavour to prevent spam whereever possible.

Contact information
Additional questions or concerns about this Privacy Statement should be directed to: allan@rfdesign.co.za