Free Pasternack Online RF Calculators & Conversion Tools
The RF Power Conversion Calculator will convert RF input power and RF output power from variables such as milliwatts (mW), watts, dBm, dBW, millivolts (mV), and volts.
The Link Budget Calculator determines the received signal strength (in dBm) based on a system’s amplifier gains, antenna gains, and space loss.
The Free Space Path Loss Calculator calculates the loss (in dB) between two antennas where the gain, distance, and frequency are known.
The VSWR/Return Loss Calculator will find VSWR, Return Loss, Mismatch Loss, and the Reflection Coefficient based on any one of the listed inputs.

Qorvo Interactive Tools & Calculators
As part of Qorvo’s commitment to the engineering community, we are providing this collection of RF design tools to assist engineers. These calculators and tools help engineers design more accurately and faster. This page contains a mixture of web-based tools and downloadable Windows software. The online calculators are usable in pop-up mode for easy desktop access and functionality. Try them out and let us know what you think at tool-feedback@qorvo.com.
An uplink 2 carrier aggregation tool that calculates maximum power reduction for two component carriers.
An uplink 3 carrier aggregation tool that calculates maximum power reduction for three component carriers.
Table showing the 3GPP LTE and 5G FR1 / FR2 Frequency Bands, LTE and NR bandwidths, nicknames and regions.
View and analyze Butterworth and Chebyshev filter performance using frequency inputs.
Provides performance values for system level Gain, Noise Figure (NF), P1dB compression and Output IP3 for up to 20 cascaded passive and active components in a chain.
See the relationship between power in dBm, Watts and RMS Voltage. This is relevant for many power applications.
Displays the contours of constant image rejection as a function of phase and amplitude error. Allows the user to see which error is most significant, thereby offering a path to improved performance.
A simple, user-friendly RF / Microwave matching calculator that easily matches S1P and S2P files.
Calculate the noise figure and noise temperature of an RF system.
Calculate the value of the resistors R1, R2 and R3 in a Tee-pad, Pi-pad and Bridged-Tee attenuator. The user only needs to enter the attenuation in decibels (dB) and the impedance of the transmission lines to be matched.
Calculate the power added efficiency, power dissipation, and maximum junction temperature of your application.
Calculate trace width values based using the IPC-2221 charts by providing inputs such as current thickness and temperature values.
Calculate capacitance and inductance of an L-Match network by entering the R load and inputs as well as the center frequency range. This type of calculator is useful in matching one amplifier output to the input of a following stage.
See the relationship between VSWR and return loss. The VSWR value range from 1.01:1 to 3.5:1.