Finding the perfect partner during Covid-19

Finding the perfect partner during Covid-19

Finding the perfect partner during Covid-19

CORE- a temperature sensor for the human body featuring u-blox’s NINA-B306 module to help workers track their health as they return to the office.

It’s early spring 2020 and the corona crisis has hit every aspect of the world. What you’re about to read is a true story of how a technical innovation was repurposed to address new challenges brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic. Learn more about how innovative GreenTEG could think on their feet during a crisis and find the perfect partner and how we helped them get from 0 to first volume production in less than two months!

An innovative approach

The device is a wearable for nonstop and accurate core body temperature monitoring and communicates wirelessly using the NINA-B306 stand-alone Bluetooth 5 low energy module. CORE uses an innovative approach to continuously monitor core body temperature under real life conditions with great accuracy. Worn close to the body with a patch or a belt, CORE translates sensed data into an estimate of the core body temperature – commonly defined as the temperature of blood as it leaves the heart’s aortic valve – using an algorithm specifically trained for the task. The device tracks its users’ wellness status as they return to the workplace from their homes, and alerts them when their core body temperature rises unexpectedly.

Easy software integration

GreenTEG contacted us early March with a finished device, but they were interested in exploring further options. The reason? They were looking for a module based on the nRF52840 Nordic chip with integrated antenna and open CPU as they needed more memory. NINA-B306 checked all the boxes. Another promising feature of the NINA-B306 was easy software integration, excellent peripheral components, and the PCB antenna we introduced in this module series. CORE was initially designed for sports, and their plan had been to launch their device during the Olympic Games. As Covid-19 hit the world and all sports events were cancelled, GreenTEG quickly remodeled the device to serve a new purpose.

NINA-B306- a promising candidate

“We needed a small and pre-certified low power Bluetooth module that could help keep the size of the overall solution to a minimum while offering the connectivity options, the considerable memory, and the reliability our application required,” said Holger Hendrichs, VP of Sales and Marketing at greenTEG. “The u‑blox NINA-B306 looked like a promising candidate. When we found out that it interfaced with Garmin devices using the ANT+ protocol, for us a critical feature, our choice was clear.”

Help flatten the curve

All in all, we are very proud to feature our module in the first non-invasive wearable that allows to continuously measure body temperature under real life conditions. And of course, in these uncertain and testing times, it’s encouraging to see our technology help keep people safe and, hopefully, flatten the curve!

Want to read the full story? Check out the latest press release. Interested in what the NINA-B306 can do for you and your business? Reach out to our local representatives to discuss your needs. Want to protect your employees with continuous and accurate core body temperature monitoring? Explore the various possibilities and use cases CORE can offer here.

Courtesy of u-blox

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