Tallysman Introduces New Patented Technology to Produce High Performing GNSS Antennas

Tallysman Introduces New Patented Technology to Produce High Performing GNSS Antennas

Tallysman Introduces New Patented Technology to Produce High Performing GNSS Antennas

Tallysman is a developer, manufacturer, and provider of GNSS antenna solutions has patented a technology that it uses to develop high-performance GNSS antennas. The VeraPhase technology has produced a highly efficient antenna that covers all GNSS frequencies and exhibits excellent low axial ratio down to the horizon, over all azimuth angles, and provides extremely tight Phase Centre Variations (PCV), and excellent front-to-back ratios.

Key Features of the VeraPhase Technology:

  • The lowest axial ratios from horizon to horizon across all GNSS frequencies
  • The most stable and tightest Phase Centre Variations across all frequencies (+/- 1mm)
  • The highest gain across all GNSS frequencies (1164 – 1300 MHz + 1559 – 1610 MHz)

This technology has proven to have a more stable PCV through all elevations and azimuths than any other antenna technology. For elevation angles greater than 15 degrees, the PCV varies less than 1 mm making this technology ideal for RTK and PPP systems without having to rely upon antenna calibration data (such as RINEX files).

The stability and tightness of the PCV with respect to elevation and azimuth angles are unrivaled by any other antenna technology. As a result, the VeraPhase antennas are essentially insensitive to mis-orientation to North and not being level. This makes the antennas ideal for measuring movement and in moving situations, such as a rover in an RTK system.

The basic antenna structure has crossed-driven dipoles, which are fed in quadrature and tuned to the L2 frequency band and a coupled radiating element dimensioned to resonate at L1. These components are positioned in an unusual circular waveguide with the back end tapered and shorted and with the upper edge formed as a non-uniform saw tooth shape. The upper part of the waveguide is built of many vertical strap conductors on a fixed radius and one circumferential strap conductor. This unusual structure allows the equalization of the magnitude and the achievement of the quadrature phase of the z-directed current and phi-directed currents.

The Tallysman Veraphase 6000 White Paper which provides more technical detail about this patented technology. Click here to read the whitepaper.

Dr. Richard Langley and Ryan White of the University of New Brunswick have compared the performance of the VeraPhase antenna to choke ring antennas. Click here to learn more about the study results.

Courtesy of Tallysman

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