Menlo Micro Releases a Superior High Frequency Ideal Switch Signal Relay Solution for DC, Analog, and RF Applications

Menlo Micro Releases a Superior High Frequency Ideal Switch Signal Relay Solution for DC, Analog, and RF Applications

Menlo Micro Releases a Superior High-Frequency Ideal Switch Signal Relay Solution for DC, Analog, and RF Applications

Today, Menlo Micro, the inventors of the Ideal Switch®, released to production a new 6x SPST (Single Pole Single Throw) relay solution fully integrated with relay driver and charge pump. The MM1205 is a single component solution that combines the high isolation of a traditional low-signal mechanical relay and the reliability of a semiconductor relay. The MM1205 offers improved DC, analog, and RF performance by adopting a best in class design and the preferred relay technology enabler for DC, analog, and high frequency applications.

MM1205 Product Highlights:

Greater DC and Analog Performance

  • High DC contact rating of 1 amp for up to 38 volts per channel (2A total package)
  • Reliably stable contact resistance over cycles and temperature
  • Remarkable ultra-low off-state capacitance (45 fF, typical), off-state leakage current (250 fA, typical), and ultra-fast switching time (17 µs, typical)
  • Enhances high-density relay matrix signal distribution application performances, throughput, and efficiency

Superior RF Performance

  • Wide frequency response from DC to 3 GHz
  • Unmatched RF power handling up to 25 W (CW), 200 W (pulsed)
  • Expanded application versatility with higher frequency signal integrity and capacity   

Industry-leading Reliability

  • Over three billion relay switching cycles
  • Reduces relay population replacement costs accumulated from usage rate and operating life over application life
  • Decreased application cost of ownership with lower downtime and maintenance costs

High Power Efficiency

  • Ultra-low DC power consumption (10 mW, typical)
  • Realizing energy-efficiency, eco-friendly mandates for large-scale, high-density, AI (Artificial Intelligence) driven automated applications

Compact Design

  • Small footprint (64 mm2) and compact volume (128 mm3) integrating six-channels of SPST
  • Enabling high-density, large-scale applications throughput and operating efficiency in achieving power consumption efficiency and cost savings

Courtesy of Menlo Micro

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