EM Research Legendary Calibration Oscillator

Courtesy of EM Research : Legendary Calibration Oscillator


  • ±0.2 dBm Output Power Variation
  • Output Power to +10 dBm Available
  • Reference from 5 to 100 MHz or Internal
  • Connectorized Package with USB Interface Available
  • Perfect for Testing and Calibration


Meet EM Research’s groundbreaking LCO series: a line of fixed frequency synthesizers with exceptionally low output power variation. These “Legendary Calibration Oscillators” feature an output power variation of ±0.2 dBm over a temperature range of 0ºC to 50ºC, and a variation with power cycle of ±0.1 dBm.

The LCO series excels at meeting these demanding output specifications, making them ideal for use as testing oscillators that require highly stable output power, such as multi-tone intermodulation testing and as calibration sources for receiver chains.


Product Overview:

The LCO series are fixed bandwidth frequency synthesizers that can provide outputs ranging from 1 GHz to 30.5 GHz. LCOs feature extremely low output power variation: ±0.2 dBm over temperature range 0 to 50ºC, and ±0.1 dBm with power cycle. These synthesizers offer output power up to +10 dBm, and can be configured to use either an external reference from 5 to 100 MHz, or an optional internal reference.

LCO synthesizers operate from a +5 V supply and are built in a compact, connectorized package with dimensions 4.5″ x 2.5″ x 0.6″ or smaller. Designed for reliable performance in laboratory and field environments, the LCO series is the perfect fit for a wide range of testing and calibration applications.

Additional customization to your own specifications is available.

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