Securing the Future of Connected Healthcare: Strategies for Product Lifecycle Compliance and Protection

Securing the Future of Connected Healthcare: Strategies for Product Lifecycle Compliance and Protection

Securing the Future of Connected Healthcare: Strategies for Product Lifecycle Compliance and Protection

With more clinical environments taking advantage of technology and connected devices brings an increased need to manage security from the very start.  Protecting vulnerable patients and the hospital itself becomes more complex, challenging, and necessary as technology evolves.

Based on decades of experience in the medical industry, Ezurio will expand on the approach to ensure successful, safe and future proof solutions in clinical environments.

In this webinar, we’ll discuss:

  • Lifecycle approach to medical designs, ensuring systems remain current with FDA, regulatory, and wireless standards.
  • The important sync between safety and security.
  • Options for layering security (COT, CVE, FIPS 140) to protect the patient and the hospital.
  • Chain of Trust Device Security.
  • Software Vulnerability Monitoring and Remediation.
  • FIPS 140-3.

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Greg Janke

Greg Janke
Director, Medical Market, Ezurio

Director for the Medical vertical at Ezurio with responsibilities for strategy aligned with VOC and with overlaying engagement into major accounts.

My goal is to provide a flexible service around platform and connectivity selection and implementation, to ensure results aligned with the customer’s requirements and product lifecycle.

Kayleen Brown

Kayleen Brown
Managing Editor, DeviceTalks

Kayleen is a MedTech business strategist and HealthTech journalist with 15 years in medical device intelligence and research. She is currently the Managing Editor for DeviceTalks, where she helps to amplify the voices in MedTech through podcasts, interviews, thought-leadership articles, and in-person device conferences.

Kayleen also moderates panels at medical technology conferences and leads commercial strategy roundtables and programs. She has been recognized as NAPW’s 2014 VIP Executive and Professional Woman of the Year and is part of an effort to bring visibility to healthcare innovation through print and digital media.


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