KKa-FPA-1730-A Electronically Steerable Antenna by ReliaSat The KKa-FPA-1730-A from ReliaSat is an Active Beam Steering Antenna with a Tx frequency from 27.5 to 30 GHz and an Rx frequency from 17.7 to 20.2 GHz. It supports -60 to 60 degree steering in both azimuth and elevation directions This circularly polarized (LHCP, RHCP) antenna has a VSWR of...
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KKa-LNA-1929 RF Amplifier by Arralis The KKa-LNA-1929 from Arralis is a 3-Stage Low Noise Amplifier MMIC that operates from 17 to 20.5 GHz (K-band) and 27 to 31 GHz (Ka-band). It provides a stable gain of 20 dB with a noise figure of 2.5 dB. The LNA requires a DC supply from 4 to 6 V, consumes...
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KKa-TR-DL-1929 SATCOM Transceiver by Arralis The KKa-TR-DL-1929 from Arralis is a K/Ka-Band Downlink Transceiver module with an Rx frequency from 27 to 30 GHz and a Tx frequency from 17 to 21 GHz. It is a fully integrated standalone transceiver solution that operates as a wideband up/down-converter making it suitable for use in Low Earth Orbit (LEO)...
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X-TR-DL-78 SATCOM Transceiver by Arralis The X-TR-DL-78 from Arralis is an X-Band Transceiver Module with an Rx frequency from 7 to 7.5 GHz and a Tx frequency from 8 to 8.5 GHz. It is a fully-integrated standalone transceiver solution that operates as a Up/Down converter for Low Earth Orbit (LEO). This transceiver operates in dual conversion superheterodyne...
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Ka-PS-2533 Analog Phase Shifter by Arralis The Ka-PS-2533 from Arralis is an Analog Variable Phase Shifter MMIC that operates from 25.5 to 32.5 GHz. It provides a phase shift from 0 to 360°, has a control voltage from -0.5 to 0.7 V, and has an insertion loss of less than 10 dB. The phase shifter offers an...
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K-HPA10W-1721-SSPA RF Amplifier by Arralis The K-HPA10W-1721-SSPA from Arralis is a GaN Solid-State Power Amplifier that operates from 17 to 20.5 GHz. It delivers a saturated output power of 10 W with a small signal gain of 24 dB. The SSPA requires a DC voltage from 25 to 28 V and has inbuilt power and temperature detection...
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E-SP8T-7681 RF Switch by Arralis The E-SP8T-7681 from Arralis is an SP8T Schottky Diode Switch that operates in the E-Band from 76 to 81 GHz. It has an insertion loss of 4.5 dB and provides more than 20 dB of isolation. This switch uses a unique matching circuitry to provide an excellent match to 50 ohms even...
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KKa-TR-DL-1929 RF Transceiver by Arralis The KKa-TR-DL-1929 from Arralis is a K/Ka-Band Transceiver Downlink Module with a Tx frequency from 17 to 21 GHz and Rx frequency from 27 to 30 GHz. In Tx mode, it has a conversion gain of more than 23 dB, the phase noise of -123 dBc/Hz (@ 1 MHz offset), and spurious...
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M-GNSSB-ANT-RX GNSS Module by Arralis The M-GNSSB-ANT-RX from Arralis is a Multiband GNSS Antenna that operates from 1560 to 1610 MHz covering GPS L1 and BeiDou B1 bands. It has an integrated receiver and provides a gain of 2-3 dB. By providing multiple frequency coverage, this GNSS antenna improves dilution of precision (DOP) and can lock onto...
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M-GNSSB-RX GNSS OEM Board by Arralis The M-GNSSB-RX from Arralis is a Multiband GNSS Receiver Board that operates in the L1 and B1 GNSS bands. It requires a DC supply of 3.3 V and consumes 25 mA of current. This GNSS receiver can be controlled via a UART interface and has an optional RS485 option which requires...
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