BBC micro:bit

Technology puts kids in control A pocket-sized computer is helping students explore the potential of technology, and develop the skills needed to turn ideas into exciting new inventions. The BBC micro:bit is an easy-to-use programmable device that introduces children into coding. It is being offered free to year 7 pupils across the UK and is…

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BBC micro:bit to be made available for public purchase in the U.K. from element14 and available for pre-order now

At the heart of the BBC micro:bit is a single Nordic Semiconductor nRF51822 Bluetooth low energy wireless technology System-on-Chip (SoC). This integrates the BBC micro:bit’s computer brain (a 32-bit ARM Cortex M0 microprocessor) where the school child-created software code runs, and that also allows the BBC micro:bit to both wirelessly communicate with other BBC micro:bits,…

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BBC delivers up to one million micro:bits free to UK school children each employing a Nordic Bluetooth Smart wireless chip

At the heart of the BBC micro:bit is a single nRF51822 Bluetooth Smart wireless technology System-on-Chip (SoC) from Nordic Semiconductor. This integrates the micro:bit’s computer brain (a 32-bit ARM Cortex M0 microprocessor) where the school child-created software code runs, and that also allows the micro:bit to both wirelessly communicate with other micro:bits, and sync to…

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At the heart of the BBC micro:bit is the nRF51822 SoC

BBC micro:bit At the heart of the BBC micro:bit is the nRF51822 SoC from Nordic that integrates the micro:bit’s computer brain where the school child-created software code runs and allows the micro:bit to both wirelessly communicate with other micro:bits, and sync to or be updated from smartphones, tablets, and computers via Bluetooth. BBC micro:bit is…

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