HSM2001B Frequency Synthesizer by Holzworth Instrumentation

HSM2001B Frequency Synthesizer by Holzworth Instrumentation

HSM2001B Frequency Synthesizer by Holzworth Instrumentation The HSM2001B from Holzworth Instrumentation is an RF Synthesizer Module that operates from 10 MHz to 2 GHz. This microwave CW source is architected on a non-PLL based platform. It is based on a digital/analog hybrid design that provides excellent phase noise performance and spurious response, which compliment the phase coherent...
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HSM1001A Frequency Synthesizer by Holzworth Instrumentation

Courtesy of everything RF : HSM1001A Frequency Synthesizer by Holzworth Instrumentation The HSM1001A from Holzworth Instrumentation is an RF synthesizer module that operates from 100 kHz to 1 GHz. It is a microwave CW source that is architected on a non-PLL based platform. The digital-analog hybrid design provides excellent phase noise performance and spurious response, which…

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