Exploring Types of RF Microwave Detectors

Courtesy of Pasternack : Exploring Types of RF Microwave Detectors A radio frequency (RF) microwave detector, also known as RF power detector or RF responding detector, is a two-terminal device used to detect, and in some way, measure or convert an RF signal. As the receiving element, an RF detector is used in converting amplitude-modulated microwave signals to…

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Pasternack Debuts New Portable, 4-in-1 Calibration Kits with 26.5 GHz Calibration Capability

Courtsey of Pasternack : Pasternack Debuts New Portable, 4-in-1 Calibration Kits with 26.5 GHz Calibration Capability New Lightweight, SOLT Calibration Kits Available for Immediate Shipment IRVINE, Calif. – Pasternack, a leading provider of RF, microwave and millimeter wave products, has released a new line of 4-in-1 3.5mm calibration kits for test and measurement, field testing, antenna measurement…

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Pasternack Introduces a New Line of Coaxial RF Lightning Arresters & Surge Protectors

Courtesy of Pasternack : Pasternack Introduces a New Line of Coaxial RF Lightning Arresters & Surge Protectors New Surge Protectors Available Off-The-Shelf with Type-N, 7/16 DIN and 4.3-10 Connectors IRVINE, Calif. – Pasternack, a leading provider of RF, microwave and millimeter wave products, has just launched a new series of coaxial surge protectors that are designed to guard…

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