Holzworth Real Time Phase Noise Analyzers

Holzworth Real Time Phase Noise Analyzers

Holzworth Real Time Phase Noise Analyzers Measuring the TRUE NOISE FLOOR of a Cross Correlation Analyzer INTRODUCTION A key attribute that sets Holzworth HA7000 Series Real Time Phase Noise Analyzers apart from the competition is the capability for measuring the absolute phase noise floor of each instrument. This is very valuable information because like spectrum...
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HA7063A Down Converter by Holzworth Instrumentation

HA7063A Down Converter by Holzworth Instrumentation

HA7063A Down Converter by Holzworth Instrumentation The HA7063A from Holzworth is a Heterodyne Downconversion System that can accept an input RF signal from 10 MHz to 50 GHz. This system has been designed to seamlessly integrate with Holzworth's HA7062 series real-time phase noise analysis products as an ANSI z540 calibrated frequency extension. It downconverts the signal to...
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HSM6001B Frequency Synthesizer by Holzworth Instrumentation

HSM6001B Frequency Synthesizer by Holzworth Instrumentation

HSM6001B Frequency Synthesizer by Holzworth Instrumentation The HSM6001B from Holzworth Instrumentation is an RF synthesizer module that operates from 10 MHz to 6.7 GHz. It is a microwave CW source that is architected on a non-PLL based platform. The digital-analog hybrid design provides excellent phase noise performance and spurious response, which compliments the phase coherent nature of this...
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HSM12001B Frequency Synthesizer by Holzworth Instrumentation

HSM12001B Frequency Synthesizer by Holzworth Instrumentation

HSM12001B Frequency Synthesizer by Holzworth Instrumentation The HSM12001B from Holzworth Instrumentation is a RF synthesizer module that operates from 10 MHz to 12.5 GHz. This microwave CW source is architected on a non-PLL based platform. The digital-analog hybrid design provides excellent phase noise performance and spurious response, which compliment the phase coherent nature of these digital-analog hybrid...
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Holzworth Product Highlight

Holzworth May Partner News and Updates

Holzworth May Partner News and Updates Holzworth Product Highlight RF Synthesizers Single Channel Platform Holzworth's RF Synthesizers Modules were originally designed as the internal, tunable LO test sources for Holzworth phase noise analyzer products. Due to the need for easy integration, the HSM Series designs incorporate a long list of electrical and mechanical features to...
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