MODEL 290-3 Data Link by KRATOS General Microwave

MODEL 290-3 Data Link by KRATOS General Microwave

MODEL 290-3 Data Link by KRATOS General Microwave The MODEL 290-3 from Kratos is a UHF Datalink Transponder with a frequency range from 358 to 380 MHz. It is a command receiver, digital command decoder, digital telemetry encoder, telemetry transmitter, and target interface enclosed in a single lightweight package. This transponder has 16 frequency channels and supports...
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E9130H RF Switch by KRATOS General Microwave

E9130H RF Switch by KRATOS General Microwave

E9130H RF Switch by KRATOS General Microwave  The E9130H from Kratos is a Reflective SP3T Switch that operates from 1 to 18 GHz. It has a TTL control interface with a rise/fall time of 10 nsec. This switch provides more than 60 dB of isolation and has an insertion loss of less than 2.6 dB. It can...
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WBR-0518-MOD Integrated Microwave Assembly by KRATOS General Microwave

WBR-0518-MOD Integrated Microwave Assembly by KRATOS General Microwave

WBR-0518-MOD Integrated Microwave Assembly by KRATOS General Microwave The WBR-0518-MOD from Kratos is a Super Heterodyne Wideband Receiver that operates from 0.5 to 18 GHz. It consists of an LNA, filter, synthesizer unit, controller, AM log detector, FM discriminator, and IF bandwidth selector. The input stage consists of a high dynamic range front end which includes a...
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